Plan for Day One
- Introduction to global health (90-minute lecture (PDF - 2.9MB))
- In–class study: Web and literature research on issues in child development, mental health, and chronic disease in India, via an assigned set of resources—readings, websites, podcasts, and videos. Study the resources in pairs, then prepare a briefing. Think of this as a three-bullet review assignment: What's the particular resource about, in a nutshell? What is really great / interesting / valuable? What is missing? Read students' Brief Reviews
- Rapid–fire peer briefing: Share with all classmates some key highlights from what you have learned from your assigned global health resource.
- Form cluster groups. Choose one of the following topics: Managing and helping people with dementia; Maternal mental health; Child development and disabilities, especially autism; Addiction and interventions focusing on alcohol.
Looking ahead: Class discussion on how to assess, appreciate, and design assistance for a global health delivery organization.
Assignments for Day Two
Read the following:
- Patel, V.
"Sundar: Mental Health for All" (PDF).
- Sangath for MIT intro, biosketches, key concepts.
- Sangath Biennial Report (PDF), review map to p. 30, pp. 34–43, 47–60, 64–65.
- Optional readings are also included here.
Watch this TED talk:
- Patel, V. "Mental Health for All by Involving All." TEDGlobal, 2012.
Come to class with at least one question for Sangath mapped out in writing. We kick off at 8AM with a joint call to all seven experts assigned to work with us.
Note: On Tuesday, after the call you'll spend the rest of the day scouting the MIT and Boston–area ecosystem and meeting experts to generate what you think may be interesting ideas, technologies, and innovations that meet Sangath's needs. You'll have a chance to review their applicability and learn more in team calls to your assigned experts on Wednesday morning.