Brain II: Methods of Research

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Session Overview

Photo of a person sitting in a chair with a large cylindrical apparatus around their head, looking at a computer screen and holding a response device.

Understanding how the brain makes the mind takes an array of research methods. In this session, you'll learn the key principles, strengths, and limitations of brain injury studies, neural stimulation, and various recording techniques. The lecture video ends with a look at how research methods can help answer big questions about higher-level cognition, such as:

  • Is there a anatomical basis for empathy?
  • Does a patient in a "vegetative state" have mental imagery like healthy individuals?

Keywords: lesion, neural stimulation, TMS, recording, structure vs. function, CT, DTI, EEG, MEG, PET, fMRI

A patient in a MEG scanner. (Public domain image from National Institute of Mental Health.)

Session Activities


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Video Resources

Discussion: Brain

The brain: let's talk about its major systems, how we study them, and how they make the mind. This is just really cool to think about the fact that there's this organ that sits in your cranium, that sits between your two ears… Read more »

Check Yourself

Name four ways that scientists can study the brain. Describe each of these methods. Provide a description of a study or experiment that used one of these methods.

Sample Answer

Further Study

These optional resources are provided for students that wish to explore this topic more fully.

Video "Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight." February. 2008. TED Talks. Accessed August. 19, 2011. [00:18:42] A neuroscientist describes her experience having a massive stroke and subsequent recovery
Web resource Johnson, K. A., and J. A. Becker. The Whole Brain Atlas. Includes a detailed primer on neuroimaging and a library of brain images
Video NIMHgov. "The Brain's Inner Workings Part II: Cognition." Aug. 12, 2009. YouTube. Accessed Feb. 14, 2012. Short video on imaging techniques that illustrate the neurological basis of higher brain function
Textbook supplement Study materials for Chapter 3, "The Biology of Mind and Behavior," in Study Site for Psychology in Context, 3/e (Pearson Education, 2007) Practice test questions, flashcards, and media for a related textbook by Kosslyn & Rosenberg


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